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Why is Easter Called Easter?

Why is Easter Called Easter?

Easter is the most holy time for Christians. But if you do a search of the Bible, you will not find that word. So why do we call Easter, Easter?

Most languages use some variation of the Greek Pascha. It is actually only in English that this time is called Easter (German has the similar Ostern). And there is a specific reason for that. The Venerable Bede explains it this way:

Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated “Paschal month”, and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance.

Some believe that this means that Bede is saying that Easter is based on the worship of a pagan goddess. But that is not what he is saying.

What he is saying is that the month is named after a goddess. It is similar to how January is named after Janus and March is named after Mars.

The month in which Christians celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus happened to take place in that month and the celebration took on the name of the month.

So our modern Easter is named after the goddess Eostre, not in terms of worship, but in terms of timing and the old name of that month.

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  1. Continuation of the lies of the devil is what you people are doing. You all will have to answer to God in the final resurrection. Do the real research and you will find Easter is a pagan inspired tradition of men. Quit misleading people.

  2. Excuse me but you are all WRONG! Acts 12:4
    And when he had put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending AFTER EASTER to bring him forth to the people.

    Keep studying to find yourselves approved!

  3. The Greek word used was Pesach, which translated properly into English is Passover. The authors of the KJV intentionally mistranslated it into Easter, solely to please the heathen King James. Any reputable teacher would already know this truth. Stephen Bedard you are a LIAR and a son of Satan

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. That was the point that I was making. The Greek has nothing to do with Easter, that passage was about the Passover. It was in reply to the person who seemed to suggest that Easter came from the Bible. I agree with you that it is a mistranslation. God bless!

  4. You beat me to it! I believe that Christians should be required to study Greek and Hebrew. The translators of the KJV started the confusion and they had to work deliberately to do it. Taking the word Paska (Passover) and making it Easter (pagan goddess).

  5. I am so sorry for the comment that Lee left here for you Stephen. Is it a salvation issue for the church to call Resurrection Sunday Easter? It’s much the same with Christmas and the Christmas tree. Do we Christians use those terms and holidays to beat each other up? Apparently, the answer here is yes. For the baby Christian that is searching for truth and guidance do you believe your comments Lee will draw them closer or farther away from the Lord? I believe the Devil will use whatever and whomever to deceive. Read Acts 17:22-34 the unknown god. The number one Sunday for church attendance is Easter. Why not use the time to draw people closer to our Lord and Savior instead of attacking? When the man on the cross next to Jesus repented and asked Jesus to remember him, should Jesus have rebuked him and said No, you need to be baptised first? Or did he say to him with love and compassion “Today you will be with me in paradise”

  6. Think of all the pagan symbolism tied to this goddess of fertility: eggs, rabbits, etc. Do you truly believe this honors Christ, our Savior????

    1. Totally agree with your comment…..remember what Jesus told the Samaritan woman at John 4:23,24…And just because someone “feels” or “believes”, that they are worshipping in the right way, Jesus said quite the opposite at Matt.7:21-23……it’s a total shame that churches teach these lies

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